If you are experiencing then problem “scheduled missed” when scheduling a post in WordPress, I found the solution on http://blog.5ubliminal.com/.  Simply do the following:

  1. Copy the code shown below and save it as scheduled-mias.php.
  2. Upload the file to wp-content/plugins on your WordPress site
  3. From your dashboard, enable the plugin named Scheduled Mias

That’s all there is to it.



Plugin Name: [Post] Scheduled MIA-s

Plugin URI: http://blog.5ubliminal.com/topics/wordpress/plugins/

Description: Bring the left-for-dead <code>Missed Schedule</code> (MIA) posts back to life.

Version: 5.U.B

Author: 5ubliminal

Author URI: http://blog.5ubliminal.com/

Support URI: http://blog.5ubliminal.com/support/


// —————————————————————————– //

define(‘SCHEDULEDMIAS_DELAY’, 15); // Minutes .. change as you wish

define(‘SCHEDULEDMIAS_TRANSIENT’, ‘scheduled_mias’); // Minutes .. change as you wish

// —————————————————————————– //

class Schedules_MIAs{

public function Schedules_MIAs(){ $this->__construct(); }

public function __construct(){

add_action(‘init’, array($this, ‘onInit’), 1);


public function onInit(){

// I disable internal cron jobs for post publishing completely

// … Comment the line below to let WordPress try do its job before we kick in

remove_action(‘publish_future_post’, ‘check_and_publish_future_post’);

if(get_transient(SCHEDULEDMIAS_TRANSIENT)) return; // Make sure enough time elapsed since last run

set_transient(SCHEDULEDMIAS_TRANSIENT, 1, abs(intval(SCHEDULEDMIAS_DELAY)) * 60); // Reset delay

global $wpdb; // Global $wpdb object

// Find MIA post_IDs, try both LOCAL datetime and GMT datetime

$scheduledIDs = $wpdb->get_col(

“SELECT `ID` FROM `{$wpdb->posts}` “.

“WHERE ( “.

” ((`post_date` > 0 )&& (`post_date` <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP())) OR “.

” ((`post_date_gmt` > 0) && (`post_date_gmt` <= UTC_TIMESTAMP())) “.

“) AND `post_status` = ‘future'”


if(!count($scheduledIDs)) return; // None found … bail

foreach($scheduledIDs as $scheduledID){

if(!$scheduledID) continue; // Just in case

// Publish each post_ID the WordPress friendly way





// —————————————————————————– //

$Schedules_MIAs = new Schedules_MIAs();

// —————————————————————————– //
