Tag: default

Get the Old Chrome Bookmark Manager Back

Get the Old Chrome Bookmark Manager Back

The newest version of Chrome features a fancy new bookmark manager and interface that’s all about thumbnails. If you’re not a fan of that snazz, Techdows points to a flag you can switch to get the old interface back.

Getting the old interface back is easy:

  1. Head to chrome://flags/#enhanced-bookmarks-experiment
  2. Change the setting to “Disabled” and click “Relaunch Now”

That’s it, when Chrome reopens, you’ll be back to the old view.

From: Lifehacker

SQL Studio: Clear Server List

Over time, SQL Server Management Studio’s Server Dropdown box gets cluttered with many servers.  Quite often some of the servers no longer exist.  However, SQL Studio does not give the user an option for clearing this list.  I found this to be very frustrating.  The instructions below show how this can be done.

I tested these instructions with SQL Studion 2008 running on Windows XP and Windows 7.

SQL Server 2008 running on Windows XP:

  1. Close SQL Studio if it is open
  2. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Shell
  3. Delete the file SqlStudio.bin
    The file will be recreated automatically when SQL Studio starts.

SQL Server 2008 running on Windows 7:

  1. Close SQL Studio if it is open
  2. Go to C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools
  3. Delete the file SqlStudio.bin
    The file will be recreated automatically when SQL Studio starts.

Special thanks to Dave Pinal at http://www.SQLAuthority.com for providing this information.

Set Default Enter Button in ASP.NET

I recently had to define a default Enter button on an ASP.NET page but could not use the Form field because it was inherited from a master page.  I eventually discovered that this can be done by defining the button in a panel as shown below.

<asp:Panel runat=”server” DefaultButton=”btnSearch”>
<asp:Button ID=”btnSearch” runat=”server” Text=”Search” />

Use  txtSearch.Focus() to set focus on the default field (in this case txtSearch).